Thursday 27 October 2011

Your headphones can end up turning you deaf!

Music has become an integral part of our lives; we just can’t imagine a day without the musical world around. With the growing technology we have got many means which take us closer to the rhythm.

Headphones are amongst the widely used devices for listening to music. But experts say that these headphones can lead your ears in a big trouble. You may end up turning deaf all because of them.

In today's world of iPods and phones that can play music, most people are plugged in constantly. Expert Dr Nishit Shah, ENT consultant at Bombay Hospital tells as to what you can do to avoid losing your sense of sound.

1. Play it loud
Listening to music at half the volume of your player is obviously not damaging. It all depends on the volume and how long you are listening to it. The higher the volume gets the lesser amount of time the ear can take it.

2. Uncomfortably numb
Shah says, "Deafness caused due to listening to music does not happen overnight. The ear warns you before things can get really bad with tinnitus”. So its better that you check this habit of yours before things completely get out of control.

3. Right here, right now
The standard ear piece or even normal headphones are no good. Shah recommends using in-ear headsets or noise reduction/cancellation headphones that naturally drown out background noise.

Don’t damage your ears just for the sake of enjoyment!

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Be trendy in this festive season with the most elegant jewellery!

The most adorable thing for women in this festive season is to buy jewellery. There are lots of designs and materials available in the market but there are certain trends which are evergreen, classy and most elegant. So have a look at this evergreen collection.

Nature inspired: If you believe in fashion then nature based designs engraved with most precious stones are the best ways to shine in other’s eyes. You can pick animal rings, floral printed bangles, leaf earrings, bird hoops or butterfly earrings, seashell charm bracelets or leopard studs to get noticed

Kundan-Polki duo: Kundan is evergreen which is adored since the times of our grandma. This provides you the utmost grace and beauty. So be graceful this diwali with your grandma’s kundan jewellery.

Simple and sleek diamonds: Diamond has all the capability to raise the heartbeat of any girl. If you want to establish your own style statement for jewellery then diamonds can be your best companion.

Riveting pearls: Pearls are extremely flexible. They mark you in the form of simplicity and it helps to soften your looks. Although pearls are available in a wide variety of colour, the glimmering white and golden pearls are what will shimmer this festive season.

So drive high in this festive season with all these ever shining jewellery.

Things to do for your skin when you are on strict diet!

When you are on a strict diet, the first thing which makes you worried is that what would happen to your skin when there would be lack of proper nourishment. As per skin expert Dr Jaishree Manchanda, “The secret to a healthy glow may not be hidden in your cosmetics”. And the biggest mistake made while dieting is cutting out essential fatty acids (EFAs).

“The best way to keep your skin soft and supple is to give it the right nutrients and then protect it with a shielding lotion that significantly reduces the loss of natural oils and moisture,” says senior cosmetologist Dr Mohan Thomas.

So take a look how to take care of your skin at the time of diet:

Be gentle to your skin. Hot water and long bath removes dead skin. Try to use mild soaps or face washes and avoid harsh soaps. Cleanse your skin well as it removes all the make-up, dirt and dust particles. Always moisturize your skin well. Find a moisturizer that fits your skin type. Apply your moisturizing cream immediately after bathing and toweling dry. This will seal in the moisture.

You can also use home made natural face packs for providing it more nourishment and glow. Follow these ways and keep glowing while being on diet!

Tuesday 25 October 2011



Acne is a skin condition that causes whiteheads, blackheads, and inflamed red lesions (papules, pustules, and cysts) to form. These growths are commonly called pimples or "zits."

Alternative Names

Acne vulgaris; Cystic acne; Pimples; Zits

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Acne occurs when tiny holes on the surface of the skin, called pores, become clogged. Each pore is an opening to a canal called a follicle, which contains a hair and an oil gland. Normally, the oil glands help keep the skin lubricated and help remove old skin cells. When glands produce too much oil, the pores can become blocked, accumulating dirt, debris, and bacteria. The blockage is called a plug or comedone.
The top of the plug may be white (whitehead) or dark (blackhead). If it ruptures, the material inside, including oil and bacteria, can spread to the surrounding area and cause an inflammatory reaction. If the inflammation is deep in your skin, the pimples may enlarge to form firm, painful cysts.
Acne commonly appears on the face and shoulders, but may also occur on the trunk, arms, legs, and buttocks.
Acne is most common in teenagers, but it can happen at any age, even as an infant. Three out of four teenagers have acne to some extent, probably caused by hormonal changes that stimulate oil production. However, people in their 30s and 40s may also have acne.
Acne tends to run in families and can be triggered by:
Despite the popular belief that chocolate, nuts, and other foods cause acne, research does not confirm this idea.


Signs and tests

Your doctor can diagnose acne based on the appearance of the skin. Testing is usually not required.


Take the following self-care steps to lessen the effects of acne:
  • Clean your skin gently with a mild, non-drying soap (such as Dove, Neutrogena, or Basics). Remove all dirt or make-up. Wash once or twice a day, including after exercising. However, avoid excessive or repeated skin washing.
  • Shampoo your hair daily, especially if it's oily. Comb or pull your hair back to keep the hair out of your face. Avoid tight headbands.
  • Try not to squeeze, scratch, pick, or rub the pimples. Although it might be tempting to do this, it can lead to skin infections and scarring.
  • Avoid touching your face with your hands or fingers.
  • Avoid greasy cosmetics or creams. Look for water-based or "non-comedogenic" formulas. Take make-up off at night. Non-comedogenic products have been tested and proven not to clog pores and cause acne.
If these steps do not clear up the blemishes to an acceptable level, try over-the-counter acne medications. These products are applied directly to the skin. They may contain benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, or salicylic acid. They work by killing bacteria, drying up the oil, and causing the top layer of your skin to peel. They may cause redness or peeling of the skin.
If pimples are still a problem, a dermatologist can prescribe stronger medications and discuss other options with you.
Prescription medicines include:
  • Oral antibiotics (taken by mouth) such as minocycline, doxycycline, tetracycline, erythromycin, and amoxicillin
  • Topical antibiotics (applied to the skin) such as clindamycin, erythromycinm or dapsone
  • Retinoic acid cream or gel (Retin-A) and isotretinoin pills (Accutane) -- pregnant women and sexually active adolescent females should NOT take Accutane, as it causes severe birth defects. Women taking Accutane must use two forms of birth control before starting the drug and enroll in the iPledge program.
  • Prescription formulas of benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, salicylic acid
  • A pill called spironolactone may help women with hormonally controlled acne.
  • A laser procedure called photodynamic therapy may also be helpful.
Birth control pills can sometimes help clear up acne. (In some cases, though, they may make it worse.)
Your doctor may also suggest chemical skin peeling, removal of scars by dermabrasion, or removal, drainage, or injection of cysts.
A small amount of sun exposure may improve acne. However, excessive exposure to sunlight or ultraviolet rays is not recommended because it increases the risk of skin cancer.

Expectations (prognosis)

Acne usually subsides after adolescence, but may last into middle age. The condition generally responds well to treatment after 6 - 8 weeks, but may flare up from time to time. Scarring may occur if severe acne is not treated. Some people, especially teenagers, can become significantly depressed if acne is not treated.


Possible complications include:
  • Changes in skin color
  • Cysts
  • Damage to self-esteem, confidence, personality, and social life
  • Permanent facial scars
  • Side effects of Accutane (including very dry skin and mucus membranes, high triglyceride levels, liver damage, and birth defects in an unborn baby; call your doctor right away if you become pregnant while taking this drug)
  • Side effects of other medications

Calling your health care provider

Call your doctor or a dermatologist if:
  • Self-care measures and over-the-counter medicine have not helped after several months
  • Your acne is severe (for example, you have lots of redness around the pimples or you have cysts) or getting worse
  • You develop scars as your acne clears up
Call your pediatrician if your baby has acne that does not clear up on its own within 3 months.


Acne, rosacea, and related disorders. In: Habif TP, ed. Clinical Dermatology. 5th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2009:chap 7.

Astro Predicts what type of Kisser you are?

Astro Kissing
Aries, your kisses are quick and passionate; fits of lustful pleasure that are there and then gone!

Taureans, your kisses linger; they are deliberate, heartfelt and they can go on and on and on!

Gemini, your kisses are interrupted by spasms of giggles, smiles and funny anecdotes!

Cancer, your kisses are warm and tender, and you never want to let them go!

Leo, your kisses are wild and uninhibited, biting and clawing; you expect applause for your performance!

Virgo, your kisses are so subtle and tidy, your lover only notices them once you've finished!

Libra, you kiss with an ardent passion and then like to linger for a while and begin again!

Scorpio, you are so passionate, you skip the kiss and get to straight… whatever comes next for you!

Sagittarius, your kisses are surprising, spontaneous affairs that leave the kissed wanting more!

Capricorn, your kisses are intense moments of sublime pleasure that is slow and lasting!

Aquarius, your kisses tend to be wet and messy; till you perfect them; and then no one can French kiss like you!

Pisces, your kisses are starry-eyed, amorous and long-lasting. You end one kiss, only to start on another!

9 things you should never say to your hubby

Atlanta, August 2 (ANI): Do you fake an orgasm when you actually didn't? Or find faults with the your husband's way of handling the kids, or pester him to find a new job? If yes, you may be making irreparable damages to your relationship.
Following is a list of nine statements compiled by Judy Ford, psychotherapist and author of 'Every Day Love' that you should never utter to your significant other, reports the Mother Nature Network.
First comes: "Yes, I had an orgasm."
Another statement that is a strict no-no is "You're just like your father." It's nasty and belittling, says Ford.
The third forbidden statement is actually very common: "When are you going to find a new job?"
The fourth hurtful statement is: "My mother warned me you'd do this!"
The fifth line, which is never a good idea to say, is "Just leave it - I'll do it myself!" Just because he's doing something differently than you would doesn't mean that he's doing it wrong.
The sixth statement, which can be heart breaking, is "You always... [fill in the blank]" or "You never... [fill in the blank]"
Then seventh statement that can be a serious blow is "Do you really think those pants are flattering?"
Saying so, you're insulting his looks without showing any genuine concern for his health, according to Ford.
Then eighth harsh statement is "Ugh, we're hanging out with him again?, which is an insult to your man's choice of friends.
The last but not the least is "Please watch the kids. But don't do this, take them here or forget that..." Let Dad-be-dad. (ANI)

How to make your man more romantic

If love was like it is in the movies then our lives would all be a whirlwind of intimate late night dinners, flowers delivered to work and surprise romantic weekends away. Unfortunately, in the real world you're lucky if your man remembers to buy a card for your anniversary.
We've all moaned about how our men aren't romantic enough but, as modern day women, if you want it you've got to go out and get it. But how do you do it?

Firstly, focus on the positive. Instead of concentrating on all the things that he doesn't do, look at what he does. Making you a cup of tea in the morning, buying you your favourite chocolate bar or putting your washing away may seem like mundane actions but they all show that he cares and wants to do nice things for you.

Romance doesn't have to be all flowers and expensive dinners, but about showing each other how much you care and spending quality time together.

It is easy to think that the man has to do all the work but when was the last time you made a romantic gesture? Lead by example and take the responsibility for a putting a bit of romance back into your relationship. Cook him a nice meal, run yourselves a candlelit bath or give him a backrub after a long day at work.

Victoria Lukats, psychiatrist and relationship expert for says, "Romance is important as it keeps couples connected and shows your partner that you are thinking about them. Do romantic things for him but be careful not to suffocate him. Start off small."

You may be thinking it's all very well you doing all the work - but what about him? If you want your man to be more romantic you need to tell him. As much as we would like our men to know exactly what we want and deliver it without us having to ask, they are not mind readers.

"You need to find a way to communicate," says Victoria. "If you say ‘do this', it's not very romantic so you need to lead them by the hand. Don't be prescriptive but give them the chance to do it by themselves."

Try to find a trigger for the conversation such as a scene on TV or a story about your friends and use this to talk about your own relationship. Put the emphasis on you both as a couple and try to steer clear of giving him a lecture. Say, "Wouldn't it be nice if we did this," or, "I'd love to do... with you."

And remember, men's idea of romance is often very different to yours so don't be negative and criticise him when his gestures fail to live up to your expectations. Instead, be happy that he has made the effort and use it as a starting point for a romantic future.

Here are four steps to take towards turning your man into the one in the movies...

Tease him
Hints don't work very well with men but it is always worth a try. Leave this article up on your computer, talk about a friend's romantic partner or comment on a romantic scene on TV. All these things might give him some ideas but you are best off just telling him how you feel.

Tell him
Men aren't mind readers - much as we'd like them to be - so you need to tell them what you want. Don't make it confrontational but open up the conversation by asking what you could do to make him feel more wanted/loved/appreciated.

Teach him
The best way to get someone to change their behaviour is by setting an example of what you would like done. Do something romantic for him - that he would like not just what you want - and he will be more inspired to reciprocate.

Treat him

Everyone likes to be complimented so make sure your man knows how pleased you are when he makes romantic gesture. Don't overdo it but be genuine about your feelings and what it means to you.

Yoghurt can help keep heart disease at bay

London, Oct 25 (ANI): Australian scientists have revealed that a daily dose of yoghurt can help prevent thickening of blood vessels in old age, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
In their study, women aged over 70 who included 'moderate amounts' of yoghurt in their diets were found to be significantly less likely to suffer from heart disease.
"Dairy products get a bit of a bad rap on cardiovascular disease. But there has been a demonstrated benefit in probiotic and yoghurt consumption," the Daily Mail quoted dietician Kerry Ivey, who led the research at the Sir Charles Gardener Hospital, Perth, as saying.
"We're trying to explore the benefits of yoghurt as distinct from its dairy characteristics," she added.
It is believed that the product may work by increasing levels of HDL cholesterol - the so-called 'good cholesterol' - in the blood.
In the study, 1,080 women were questioned about their lifestyles and diets, and their carotid arteries were measured over three years.
Those who ate around 100g of yoghurt a day had healthier blood vessels.
More research is needed to explore its health-boosting properties, Ivey told the American Society for Nutrition journal. (ANI)

Top 20 ways to live longer

Living longer is one of the greatest benefits of leading a healthy active lifestyle and life expectancy for both men and women has continued to rise with improvements in diet, awareness and medical care. And to ensure that you are one of those helping boost future life expectancy figures we have prepared a list of 20 great tips to help with putting off the inevitability of death for as long as possible …

1. Laugh more

Research states that laughter may be beneficial to health. Laughing appears to boost the blood flow (by more than 20 per cent) and researchers say it may reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Laughing has previously been found to help fight infections, relieve hay fever, ease pain and help control diabetes. The positive effect of laughing is thought to last around 30 to 45 minutes.

Adjust sleeping time

Life expectancy may be reduced by sleeping more than eight hours a night. A study found that people who get only six to seven hours sleep a night live longer than those who sleep eight hours or more, or less than four hours.

3. Eat more garlic

Garlic has been referred to as ‘nature’s antibiotic’. It is a powerful cleanser of the body and regular ingestion promotes a healthy heart and circulation by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. It also helps fight infection and can boost immunity. There is strong evidence to suggest that garlic helps with the prevention of cancers of the digestive system, including the esophagus, stomach, colon and rectum. Those who don’t like the taste of garlic should try the odourless supplements that are available.

4. Boost your sex life
Having sex between three to four times a week is thought to reduce the risk of having a heart attack or stroke in half. During sex, the average person maintains their heart rate above 70 per cent of the maximum, making sex a wonderful CV workout! Sex reduces stress, leads to greater contentment and better sleep.

5. Drink tea

Many research studies support the view that tea is good for your health. Scientists tend to agree that tea, both black and green, may contribute positively to the promotion of health and the prevention of chronic disease. Recent research studies reveal the antioxidants in tea may inhibit the growth of cancer cells, support dental health, increase bone density and strengthen cardiovascular health. According to a study published in Circulation: The Journal of the American Heart Association, heart attack patients who were tea drinkers decreased their risk of death by up to 44 per cent, as compared to non-tea drinkers.

6. Drink red wine

Any excuse to drink more has got to be good! Recent studies show that drinking around one glass of red wine a day may have certain health benefits by protecting against certain cancers and heart disease, and can have a positive effect on cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Excessive or binge drinking, however, unfortunately doesn’t produce the same benefits.

7. Regular self examination

For women this means regularly examining their breasts, and while breast cancer is not unknown among men, males should regularly check their testicles for lumps. It is important to get to know how your body parts normally feel and look, and report any changes, such as a lump, to your doctor. More often than not, lumps prove to be benign, and these types of cancer are usually curable if they're caught early enough.

8. Have regular smears/prostate tests

Women will usually be called once every three years for a smear test, and should make sure they attend when requested. Cervical screening probably prevents thousands of deaths each year. Prostate cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer in men and is second only to lung cancer as the biggest cancer killer. There are varying viewpoints about how often men should have a test and at what age. Testing should start at the age of 50, or at the age of 40 if in high-risk groups, such as black men or those with a father, brother or son with the disease. However, if you have any concerns go and visit your doctor.

9. Monitor your bowel behavior

Any dramatic change in bowel habits such as an increase in constipation, or passing blood should be referred to a doctor immediately. It could prove be something as simple as piles (haemorrhoids), or worse case scenario could be bowel cancer, which is important to discover as early as possible.

10. Drink more water

Most people are unaware that the recommendation is that the average person should drink around eight glasses of water a day. The human body is made up of between 55 and 75 per cent water, and is in need of constant water replenishment. An increased intake of water will greatly enhance digestion‚ nutrient absorption‚ skin hydration‚ detoxification and virtually every aspect of better health.

11. Get more friends

Research suggests that friends help people live longer. Research in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health says that socializing with friends is beneficial. Good friends will promise to be there for you, and their presence can actually help you live longer, researchers say. Australian scientists said having friends around in old age can do more for life expectancy than having family members around, and that friends may encourage people to look after their health, and help reduce feelings of depression and anxiety at difficult times.

12. No smoking

Everyone is aware of the potential catastrophic effect of smoking. It is better not to start at all, but the sooner a smoker quits, the better. Because the damage caused by smoking is cumulative, the longer a person smokes the greater the risk of developing a smoking-related disease, such as lung cancer or heart disease. Quitting not only saves money, but also has added health benefits. Within one year after quitting, the risk of a heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker, and within 10 years, the risk of lung cancer falls to about half that of a smoker.

13. Relax

Relaxation reduces blood pressure and helps reduce stress-related conditions such as depression. A relaxation technique such as yoga or meditation can help reduce stress levels.

14. Get a pet

Owning a pet has a surprising amount of health benefits for the owner, according to a series of studies. Ownership of a pet, particularly a dog, means people are more active. Animals are known to reduce anxiety both from the actual physical comfort from stroking them, but also because they are a distraction and something pleasant to focus on. They are also good friends to many and provide a source of amusement, making us laugh.

15. Exercise more

Exercise is known to reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, diabetes and obesity. It keeps joints, tendons and ligaments flexible, and contributes to mental well-being by helping treat depression, relive stress and anxiety. Exercise also aids better sleep. Even if you are pushed for time, exercise could be gained simply by walking up stairs rather than taking the elevator, or even try walking or cycling on shorter journeys rather than taking the car.

16. Eat more fruit and vegetables

Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can help ward off heart disease and stroke, control blood pressure and cholesterol, and prevent some types of cancer. It is recommended to eat at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day.

17. Change job

Research suggests a strong relationship between how long people live and the nature of their jobs. According to UK Government statistics, for the period 1997-99, life expectancy at birth in England and Wales for males in the professional group was 7.4 years more than that for those in the unskilled manual groups. The gap between the social classes was smaller for women than for men, at 5.7 years.

18. Have a happy marriage

Married people tend to have better health than unmarried people. For instance, married individuals tend to be able to have lower rates of alcoholism than their unmarried counterparts because they tend to offer encouragement, support, and protection from daily problems. They are also more able to handle stress better as a result. However, studies suggest that divorcing then remarrying actually increases the risk of dying prematurely.

19. Be optimistic

People with a positive outlook on life can actually live longer. Researchers found that optimistic people decreased their risk of early death by 50 per cent compared with those who leaned more towards pessimism.

20. Eat chocolate

Chocolate contains flavanoids and antioxidants which have positive health benefits. Flavanoids aid cardiovascular health, while antioxidants are believed to prevent or delay certain damage to the body’s cells and tissues. Dark chocolate is considered best as it contains more than twice as many antioxidants as a bar of milk chocolate, and has fewer calories.

Monday 24 October 2011

Benefits of Juices

Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are good for health. It is good to start our day with a glass of vegetable or fruit juice. Instead of having soft drinks or carbonated beverages it is better and healthy to have fresh juices. Juices supply lot of nutrients and also enzymes. A daily intake juice improves glamour. It is always good to have juice without straining as fiber will benefit your health. Drinking fruit juices or vegetables juices without adding sugar is best for you good health. One serving of vegetables or fruits can be substituted with a glass of juice. Every juice has its own importance depending upon with which fruit and vegetable is the juice made. some of the common juice we drink are carrot juice, Tomato juice, Apple juice, Pomegranate juice, Beet root juice, Orange juice, Grape juice , cranberry juice etc.
Some of the health benefits of each fruit and vegetable juice:

Orange juice: Orange is a citrus fruit and citrus fruit provides vitamin c. And vitamin c acts as antioxidant.
Carrot juice: Carrot juice is rich source of Vitamin A. Drinking carrot juice is very beneficial it improves eye sight, it gives glow to the skin etc. It has antioxidant properties and fights & eliminates cancer causing agents.
Beet root juice: Drinking beet root juice improves digestion as chlorine is present in it. Beet root juice improves hemoglobin levels and thus it is good for anemia patients. It also a rich source of folic acid, vitamin C and potassium. Drinking Beet root juice keeps you healthy and fit.
Pomegranate juice: It has lot of antioxidant properties. It improves HDL and decreases LDL bad cholesterol. Pomegranate juice is good for skin glow and glamour. It also reduces skin and breast cancer. It provides many health benefits for diabetic patients.
Cranberry juice: It lowers blood pressure. It is a good source of vitamin C. Cranberry juice has antioxidant properties. It lowers LDL and improves HDL cholesterol.
Apple juice: Apple juice is a good source of Vitamin A and vitamin C. Fresh juice made from apple is a source of soluble and insoluble fiber which has many health benefits.

Avoid Osteoporosis with three easy ways!

One cannot imagine living a healthy life with weak bones. And due to ignorance one can suffer from this terrible disease, Osteoporosis. But with some prevention one can avoid this while keeping in mind three ways of shunning Osteoporosis as it mainly requires load bearing and functional movements.

Weight Training for Osteoporosis Prevention: Weight training and confrontation causes muscles to pull on the bones, while creating leaner muscles, which in turn positively affect joint mobility and flexibility. So practice regular weight pulling exercises to make your muscles and bones flexible.

Calcium and Vitamin D for Unbreakable Bones: As per experts 1000 to 1300 milligrams of Calcium is required by a human body in a day. This Calcium needs to be taken with vitamin D, as it helps in Calcium absorption by the body. Adequate Calcium and vitamin D taken together, through the day, reduce bone loss and positively stimulate bone density.

Calcium-rich Breakfasts: One can feed bones with calcium by in taking calcium rich foods. Dairy products are rich in calcium like milk, curd, paneer etc. A great Indian Calcium-rich breakfast would be a stuffed moong sprouts dosa or chilla.

So improve the strength of your bones with weight bearing exercises, adequate calcium intake, and optimal vitamin D intake.

Make sure to choose your heel as per foot type!

High heels and stilettos are evergreen in fashion. It doesn’t matter for girls that how much discomfort they are creating in their feet. But what all they want is to adore their stilettos. It is as stylish in real life the way it seems in movies.

But before buying your heels, keep this in mind that in which heels you would look more graceful and stylish and which would also provide you with comfort. So choose your right fit.

The right fit
It’s very important that your shoe should fit your foot properly. Keep this in mind that your toes should have space to move. Get your foot measured and then go for a right choice. It is noticed that mostly women suffer from foot pain because they wear shoes that aren’t the right size. So be vigilant and opt right shoe as until and unless it would not be comfortable, it won’t provide you the full style and comfort.

Choose a thicker heel
A thicker heel would provide you more comfort, balance and confidence. Try to avoid pencil or pin pointed heels. For example, a wedged heel is less demanding on the leg muscles, as it has a larger surface area, so it is more stable. The thinner the heel, the more is its impact on your foot.

So stay balanced and confident with proper heels.

The most essential nutrients required for human body!

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations celebrates the World Food Day on 16th October. And on this auspicious day, Shachi Sohal, H.O.D. Dietetics Deptt at Dr. B.L. Kapur Hospital, New Delhi told about the most essential nutrients of a healthy diet.

1. Carbohydrates
Around 60 percent of your daily calories should be in the form of carbohydrates as they provide energy to the body. They act wonders at the time of immediate energy need.

2. Protein
Human body requires proteins to build and maintain tissues and to form enzymes, some hormones and antibodies. They are also required also for the matrix of skin, nails, hair, blood cells, serum, bones. Around 20 percent of your daily calories should come from proteins.

3. Water
Sixty percent of our body is made up of water. That is why you should drink about 10 to 12 glasses of water in a day. Fruits and vegetables can also be good sources of water. It also forms the basic structure of all cells and organs.

4. Vitamins
Vitamins are highly required for a human body. Fat soluble Vitamins, like Vitamins A, D, E and K, are stored in fat tissue.
Water soluble Vitamins, like Vitamins B and C, are released from the body if not used. Besides this minerals and fats are also essential contents of nutrients.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Healthy tips to make Diwali diabetes-friendly!

In India it is believed that sweets are the most essential content to be present on every auspicious occasion. One cannot imagine any instance especially festivals to be enjoyed without sweets. But it is very typical for all those to stay away from sweets who are suffering from diabetes.
Don’t get too tensed as by following some diabetes-friendly tips you can enjoy your Diwali to the utmost. So have a look!

Natural sweeteners are must: While preparing your sweets at home, try to sweeten them with natural sweeteners like dates or raisins, fruits. Though it needs some more efforts but at the same time they are healthy and mouth watering too. As per ACE-certified trainer Rashmi Uttam “Artificial sweeteners are a big no-no”. So go for naturals ones.

Increase use of vigorous oils: It’s very obvious to cook heavy and oily on occasions like Diwali. So cook your food with avocado or olive oil instead of regular cooking oil. Monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats and Omega 3 fats are capable of lowering your blood sugar levels.

Go for sugar free: In market loads of sweets are available with various varieties and tastes. So if it is not possible for you to make it at home then go for sugar free sweets.

Work out well: Last but not the least, don’t skip your daily schedule of work out.

So stay healthy and enjoy this diwali with your family in the same manner as they will.