Monday 20 February 2012

I am already too old for any new Twilight movie, claims Robert Pattinson!

The series of Twilight movie has successfully spellbound the audience and everyone has eagerly waited to watch another part of the movie! Now only the last movie is remaining of the series adapted from the Stephenie Meyer’s namesake book series!

It is definite that audience is definitely going to miss its lead characters Edward and Bella! So, recently sources quizzed Robert Pattinson, if he would like to star in another Twilight movie if the author writes a book on it!

But Robert fears that he will be too old to star in another Twilight movie if author Stephenie Meyer ever decides to write another one. The British hunk, 24, has portrayed vampire Edward Cullen in the movie adaptations of Meyer’s popular books since the first film hit cinemas in 2008.

"I’d be curious what Stephenie would write, but I just think I’d probably be too old. I’m already too old. But yeah, it’d be kind of interesting," Pattinson said. The fourth and final book in the Twilight saga, has been split into two film releases, and Breaking Dawn - Part 2, is due to be released later this year.

Meanwhile Edward, you will never get old for us and we will be entertained to watch you in any role. What say people?

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