Friday 13 July 2012

Exercise for your sun sign

Did you know that astrology not only helps you know your future prospects but also aids in losing those extra kilos?

Here's a rundown on what exercises you should opt for, based on your sun sign

Your astronomical signs not only give you insights into your characteristic traits but also tell you how your body works and functions. Says fitness expert, Althea Shah, "Each sun signhas something to tell about your strong as well as weak points, not only of your love life but also your body type."

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Aries have an abundance of energy and need to vent it out in a controlled manner. Since you hate routine, sticking to one can become boring for you. Says Shah, "Indulge in competitivesports like tennis, football and endurance training like weight lifting etc."
Make sure you stay away from any form of exercise that might stir anger as this will lead tohigh blood pressure and headaches.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Says fitness expert, Namrita Purohit, "The personality trait of a Taurian is said to have a slow metabolism. Thus you need to indulge in some form of rigorous exercise routine. Dance, running and jogging are ideal." Since you are prone to neck and throat problems, regular health care, sauna and massage will be of great help.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21)
You are prone to problems of the hands, arms and lungs. Says Shah, "Group exercises, sports and gymnastics are a good option for you. Find a workout buddy to make
exercising enjoyable for yourself." You can also indulge in yoga and meditation to battle stress. Since routine work is tedious for you, indulge in more than one form of exercise so that you don't get bored soon.

Cancer (June 22 to July 22)
Says Purohit, "Since you are bound to gain weight around your mid-section, invest in a few weights and exercise tapes to help workout better." You can also go in for water sports.
Since your problem area is the stomach, make sure not to go overboard with your exercise routine. To help fight anxiety, practice yoga and meditation.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)
Says Purohit, "Leos are said to have lot of energy and high intensity workouts like Altitude training is ideal." Cardio exercises are good for you as it will encourage the flow of blood. Pilates and stretches work the best for you. Leos are prone to heart attack, make sure to include jogging and brisk walking to your every day exercise routine. The health chart of Leos say that they have a weak spine and heart — special attention is required.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)
Indulge in meditation and relaxation based exercises to help calm your hyper active. Says Shah, "Cycling, playing badminton, running and stretching are some of the other endurance exercises which should be a part of your every day routine." Refrain from indulging in habits which might trigger anxiety and tension.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)
Librans have a tendency to put on weight. Low impact cardio training and stretching are best recommended. Says Purohit, "Librans have shuffling levels of energy. In the mornings, you can try back stretches to strengthen your lower back." But you should avoid heavy lifting or anything that can cause stress to your lower back.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)
Scorpios enjoy participating in aggressive sports. Intense, strenuous and competitive exercises are good for you. Boxing, martial arts and distance running like marathons will strengthen your muscles. But you should be careful of very strenuous exercises which might damage your ligaments or induce stress related injuries.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)
You are prone to putting on weight around the waist, hips and thighs. Regular exercise is recommended. Says Shah, "Cycling, running and jogging are good exercises for you. Make sure to gym five days a week to tone your thighs and legs." But be careful of exercising too much, you can harm your hamstring and back muscles.

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