Thursday 23 August 2012

The world's 15 richest Muslim countries

GDP (PPP) per capita: $ 88,919 (2011)
GDP (PPP) per capita: $54,654 (2011)
GDP (PPP) per capita: $50,506 (2010)
United Arab Emirates
GDP (PPP) per capita: $48,222 (2011)
GDP (PPP) per capita: $28,880 (2011)
Saudi Arabia
GDP (PPP) per capita: $24,434 (2011)

GDP (PPP) per capita: $23, 690 (2011)
GDP (PPP) per capita: $16,885 (2011)
GDP (PPP) per capita: $16,855 (2009)
(Note: The figures are before the popular uprising in the country)
GDP (PPP) per capita: $15,589 (2011)
GDP (PPP) per capita:$14,709 (2011)
GDP (PPP) per capita:$13,189 (2011)
GDP (PPP) per capita: $11,479 (2009)
GDP (PPP) per capita: $10,136 (2011)
GDP (PPP) per capita: $9,415 (2011)
Note: The list is based on gross domestic product at purchasing power parity per capita, the value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given year divided by the average (or mid-year) population for the same year. Data refer mostly to the year 2011. World Development Indicators database, World Bank.

Sunday 12 August 2012

Ways to get a flawless complexion!

The beauty of your skin gets marred by thepigmentation marks and many of the ladies around can be seen trying out various methods of getting rid of the same.

So here we have got for you some expert advice, which will surely help a lot. As per cosmetic physician Dr Jamuna Pai, "Our skin gets its pigment from melanin that is made by the body and determines the color of your skin, hair and eyes. An over-production of melanin shows up as brown patches and spots."

Explaining the main reasons for hyper-pigmentation, experts state the following reasons:
1. Sun damage - Brown spots or dark patches appear from too much melanin being made and coming to the skin surface as a protective mechanism.

2. Hormonal changes - Pregnancy, menopause and sometimes oral contraceptive pills can cause pigmentation.

3. Injury PIH (post inflammatory hyper-pigmentation) - The body's response to injury is inflammation which triggers melanin production and the result are brown spots and patches. Some examples of PIH are acne scars, insect bites, cuts or abrasion, post laser treatments, post peels, fixed drug reaction.

Treating it
Senior cosmetic surgeon Dr Mohan Thomas suggests, "Daily skin cleansing is essential so, wash your face at least twice a day using oil and alcohol-free formulas. Exfoliate three times per week; apply the exfoliator in circular motions to all affected areas, normally the nose, forehead and chin. The exfoliation encourages a newer, smoother skin surface by helping to unclog pores, prevent further breakouts and diminish blemishes and pigmentation spots."

Tips to be followed: 
1. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight between 9am-4pm.

2. Apply generous amounts of sunscreen at an interval of three to four hours.

3. Take nutritional supplements of Vitamin C and anti-oxidants.

4. Keep yourself hydrated

Learn what your handwriting says about you!

Every action speaks louder than words so does the handwriting of yours! Neat, complex, fussy, sophisticated, running letters or clumsy compilations, every written word entails something about you. Let’s have a look at some quickies which can trace out the real you through how you write:

1. Neat and Clean: If you are one of them who have always been complimented due to neat and clean notes, then it says that you are quite focused regarding issues of life rather than the one who writes smudgy.

2. Space says a lot: Handwriting analysis depends upon the way you mark curves and stretches of written alphabets and even on the space used between words speak a lot. Huge spaces between words say that the person needs more space in life and relationships.

3. Small and big spill beans about you: Letters used, whether small or huge also denotes your desires to get established in life. Those who write in small letters are more detail oriented, sharp minded and quick learners. Those who write big letters are willing to show off and make a mark of them in public.

4. Cursive writers: Cursive writing speaks open mindedness and flexibility towards other’s ideas and disconnected writing denotes the virtue of being unconventional and innovations.

5. Light V/S Pressurized writing: Those who write with pressure are possessive and wish to do something unique and outstanding in life. Light writers are more creative.

Writing speaks a lot about one’s personality and its all on how one writes rather than what is written.

Saturday 21 July 2012

Which coffee you prefer and know what it says about you!

Aroma of coffee is one of the most favorite fragrances in almost everyone’s list. Working people can’t spend a day without a coffee and almost every one of us wakes up with a coffee mug in hand. Cappuccino, plain black, espresso, latte and many more yummy flavors of coffee make us drool over it, but are you aware of the fact that coffee can spill beans about your personality? 

Yes your coffee type can say a lot about you even before you speak. Let’s get into the beans to know more:

1. Cappuccino: Cappuccino lovers need not to bite their nail being scanned as these are the most optimistic lot who always stretch hands to meet new people and love to have good people around without getting obsessed with them. Cons of it include the easy and fast boredom which is observed in cappuccino lovers.

2. Latte: By choosing Latte you are showing your childish side as Latte is the lightest form and sort of milky beverage. We are not mocking you here for your chosen coffee type and in fact these kinds of persons are found more reliable, cozy and thorough.

3. Espresso: Skeptical, sardonic and sarcastic but not boring, these people are experienced and exciting lovers. Unwavering reliability and instant decision making ability is not their cup of tea.

4. Plain Black Coffee: Plain black coffee lovers hate adornments and are straight forward without frilling or sugar coating the issue. Though they are mostly quiet and cranky but they are potentially good partners or companions.

So which one happens to be your trait!

20 Beautiful bedrooms interiors for couples

Bedroom interior designing- good looking and soul soothing contemporary as well traditional Indian bedroom interiorsand decor for unique bedroom decoration, tips to create romantic and elegant bedrooms.View them below

Friday 13 July 2012

Try the five-minute workout!

Try the five-minute workout!

Got just a few minutes to spare in your day? That's all you need to exercise on the go and get fit, experts tell Ismat Tahseen 

Being busy need not be the reason why you're lagging behind in health quotient, now. A new mantra can have you in ship-shape, without pinching the pocket via costly gym memberships or tediously trying to collaborate different regimes for effect. While Mumbai's physiologists may debate over hours spent walking and on the treadmill or stepper, what you really need can be counted on your fingertips. It's just five minutes of time!

What it's about
The idea behind the regime is to get people to stop over-complicating the idea of weight loss. A website quoted Michelle Bridges, a fitness trainer, saying how the way to reconnect and rebuild took exactly that amount of time. "A lot of people get what I call 'paralysis by analysis' where they just tend to overthink it," she said. "They put so much concern around: Should I train in the morning? Should I eat before I train?" 

Says fitness expert Leena Mogre, "The idea is actually about bursts of activity, which will motivate you be more active and move onto a bigger workout, which is big abroad. It could be great for people who have hardly any time. It could comprise climbing office steps during a break, doing 10 lunges, 15 calf raises, do a few squats while talking on the phone, or sit on a Swiss ball while typing or stretch over it. You can even use an office chair for stretching exercises. And, if you're on the couch in front of the TV, you can do a few crunches while watching which is great for a bulging tummy. The trend is gaining popularity with women who actually drop the idea of a workout when they feel they don't have time to do a whole routine. It has become quite big abroad and works well if you follow a supervised schedule to avoid injuries."

'It can be great motivator'
While Mana Shetty, wife of actor Sunil Shetty, feels that just five minutes may not be enough, because the "old school of thought of making time to connect with oneself works best", TV hostess Mandira Bedi is excited by the idea. "I love my own outdoor run, but do I agree that there are times when people would say, 'I just cannot make time to exercise'. Plus, for people who are too lazy to get started, I think five minutes is better than no time at all. I think this regime looks simple but it can also be a great motivator for people to start with this and focus into a larger fitness activity later on so why not?"

Tried these quick fixes?
Brazilian butt workout: Lower the body into a squat position and go low, raising arms to the shoulder level. Hold this position and do it again to tone back, butt and hamstrings.

The explosive lunge: Assume the lunge position and go forward with the knee bent at 90 degrees, directly over ankle. Switch legs after a bit.

The Basketball Move: This can be a good tummy stretch. Think there is a basketball in front of your feet. Crouch down, pretend you are grabbing it, and jump up as if to shoot. Come back to the crouched position and repeat.

Jump Rope

Pranayama or breathing techniques

Exercise for your sun sign

Did you know that astrology not only helps you know your future prospects but also aids in losing those extra kilos?

Here's a rundown on what exercises you should opt for, based on your sun sign

Your astronomical signs not only give you insights into your characteristic traits but also tell you how your body works and functions. Says fitness expert, Althea Shah, "Each sun signhas something to tell about your strong as well as weak points, not only of your love life but also your body type."

Aries (March 21-April 20)
Aries have an abundance of energy and need to vent it out in a controlled manner. Since you hate routine, sticking to one can become boring for you. Says Shah, "Indulge in competitivesports like tennis, football and endurance training like weight lifting etc."
Make sure you stay away from any form of exercise that might stir anger as this will lead tohigh blood pressure and headaches.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)
Says fitness expert, Namrita Purohit, "The personality trait of a Taurian is said to have a slow metabolism. Thus you need to indulge in some form of rigorous exercise routine. Dance, running and jogging are ideal." Since you are prone to neck and throat problems, regular health care, sauna and massage will be of great help.

Gemini (May 22 to June 21)
You are prone to problems of the hands, arms and lungs. Says Shah, "Group exercises, sports and gymnastics are a good option for you. Find a workout buddy to make
exercising enjoyable for yourself." You can also indulge in yoga and meditation to battle stress. Since routine work is tedious for you, indulge in more than one form of exercise so that you don't get bored soon.

Cancer (June 22 to July 22)
Says Purohit, "Since you are bound to gain weight around your mid-section, invest in a few weights and exercise tapes to help workout better." You can also go in for water sports.
Since your problem area is the stomach, make sure not to go overboard with your exercise routine. To help fight anxiety, practice yoga and meditation.

Leo (July 23 to August 22)
Says Purohit, "Leos are said to have lot of energy and high intensity workouts like Altitude training is ideal." Cardio exercises are good for you as it will encourage the flow of blood. Pilates and stretches work the best for you. Leos are prone to heart attack, make sure to include jogging and brisk walking to your every day exercise routine. The health chart of Leos say that they have a weak spine and heart — special attention is required.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22)
Indulge in meditation and relaxation based exercises to help calm your hyper active. Says Shah, "Cycling, playing badminton, running and stretching are some of the other endurance exercises which should be a part of your every day routine." Refrain from indulging in habits which might trigger anxiety and tension.

Libra (September 23 to October 22)
Librans have a tendency to put on weight. Low impact cardio training and stretching are best recommended. Says Purohit, "Librans have shuffling levels of energy. In the mornings, you can try back stretches to strengthen your lower back." But you should avoid heavy lifting or anything that can cause stress to your lower back.

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21)
Scorpios enjoy participating in aggressive sports. Intense, strenuous and competitive exercises are good for you. Boxing, martial arts and distance running like marathons will strengthen your muscles. But you should be careful of very strenuous exercises which might damage your ligaments or induce stress related injuries.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)
You are prone to putting on weight around the waist, hips and thighs. Regular exercise is recommended. Says Shah, "Cycling, running and jogging are good exercises for you. Make sure to gym five days a week to tone your thighs and legs." But be careful of exercising too much, you can harm your hamstring and back muscles.

Flab to fab in 20 minutes

India is now in the grip of an obesity epidemic and the trend needs to be immediately arrested.Fitness expert Soumen lists ways to trim the flab.
Jogging: Jog early morning for 20 seconds, repeat five set, with a gap of 15 seconds between each set.

Waist line: Stand straight with legs wide open. Lift right hand above your head and rest the other on your left leg. Now bend to the left and lift your right heel. Count 16 and change to the other side. Repeat thrice on each each side to reduce waistline.

Leg rise: Lie down and lift your legs up and bring them down slowly. Do four sets -— 16 times each, to reduce lower abdomen.

Abs cycling: Lie on your back and rest both hands on your side and start pedalling. Repeat three sets of 16 sets each.

How to be a beauty at 40!

Ever wondered why French women are pretty at 40 and even at 50s? Have you thought over the secret behind the fabulous figure of French President’s wife Carla Bruni? Well don’t mistake it to French but there are few secrets in the culture which can be adopted in order to remain a beauty at 40. Let’s plunge deep:

1. Edge out age with Eggs: Rich in Vitamin E, eggs absorb calcium easily and are good for skin, hair, teeth and bones.

2. Date with dates: Dates have Vitamin A, B and C and foster quick digestion.

3. Armor yourself with Almonds: Rich in Vitamin E endorses gynecological goodness.

4. Be beautiful with Berries: Being anti oxidants, Berries work as anti-aging treatment.

5. Avail health with Avocados: Rich in Vitamin E, Avocados are good for skin.

One can follow these laws of being fantabulous at 40:

 If you want to be slim, include fatty foods like dark chocolates and cheese in your diet. Yes, in fact fatty foods are full of sugar and carbs and can easily make you feel fuller making you consume lesser.

2. Cook food with basic salt and spices to keep it simple, healthy and organically yummy.

3. Pay attention to the consumed portions of food. Larger the serving would be, larger would be the part consumed. Eat less but in frequent intervals which boosts up metabolism.

4. Avoid alcohol, sugar, stress and fizzy drinks to look younger.

5. Chew your food well to make sure that the nutrition is well consumed and absorbed.

Flat stomach food guide

Tired of not knowing what kinds of foods to eat? Not sure how much fat, calories and sodium you should be consuming everyday? All the tips you need are here....
In addition to regular exercise, you'll also want to add some fat burning foods to your diet to help trim your waistline.
Foods that are high in protein and fibre are the best kinds of food to eat if you want to burn fat around your middle.
Did you know that it takes more energy to digest protein than it does to digest fat? So the more protein you eat, the more calories your body burns.
Eggs are super high in protein and can help you burn that unwanted belly fat. They contain the vitamin B12 - a great supplement for breaking down fat cells.
You may have heard all the warnings about eggs and your health. That's because a couple of eggs will put you over the recommended daily amount of cholesterol.
Well, more recent studies have shown that dietary cholesterol has a minimal impact on blood cholesterol. Dietary fat is the real culprit. It's what raises your bad cholesterol levels.
However, if you're still worried about your overall cholesterol intake from eating too many eggs, you can remove the yolk and still benefit from the high protein contained in eggs.
Low fat dairy products
According to an article in Obesity Research, women who ate low-fat dairy products, such as nonfat yogurt and low-fat milk, three to four times a day, lost 70 per cent more fat than low-dairy dieters.
In another study done at Purdue University those who consumed 3 cups of fat-free milk gained less weight over the course of 2 years than those on low calcium diets.
So, not only do dairy products help you strengthen your bones, they can also play an essential role in burning that unwanted body fat.
If you are a regular consumer of milk and other dairy products, that's great, just watch your proportions and perhaps switch over to the low or no fat varieties.
While beans are often associated with the gastrointestinal disturbances they may cause, they are also very good sources of protein, fibre and iron.
Some of the best kinds of beans to eat are:
- Navy beans
- White beans
- Kidney beans
- Lima beans
And as always, limit baked and refried beans in your diet as refried beans contain tons of saturated fat, while baked beans are usually loaded in sugar. Sure, you'll be getting your protein but you'll also be consuming a lot of fat and sugar that you don't need.
Here's something else to remember. Be sure to cook your beans thoroughly because our digestive tracks are not adapted to breaking down some proteins that are contained in certain beans.
Tip: A vegetable called Edamame (pronounced ed-uh-ma-may) - an organic soybean in a pod often served at Japanese restaurants.
All you do is boil them for three minutes, add a pinch of salt and eat the soybeans out of the pods. They are surprisingly tasty and very good for you. One serving contains 10 grams of soy protein. The best place to find them is at a store that sells organic foods.
While it may not be the tastiest thing you can eat, oatmeal definitely has some great nutritional qualities.
You may have noticed that many of the oatmeal brands are now boasting that eating more oatmeal will help lower your cholesterol level. That's because oatmeal is loaded with soluble fibre which helps reduce blood cholesterol by flushing those bad digestive acids out of your system.
The best kind of oatmeal to eat is unsweetened and unflavoured. While it's tempting to select the apples and cinnamon flavour and load it with butter and sugar - you really lose out on all the health benefits. If you must sweeten your bowl of oatmeal, do so by adding fruit.
Or add a spoonful of honey (much better for you than sugar) and a handful of raisins or dried cranberries.
Oatmeal is also beneficial in fighting colon cancer and heart disease.
Olive oil
Certain fats are good for you and your body needs them. Olive oil is one of those 'good fats'. In fact, it's so good that it helps you burn fat and keeps your cholesterol down.
Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fat, a type of fat that researchers are finding provide outstanding health benefits. One ounce of extra virgin olive oil contains about 85 per cent of the daily value for monounsaturated fat.
So instead of taking a swig of orange juice in the morning, many dieters are picking up a bottle of extra virgin olive oil.
Whole grains
These days everyone seems to be screaming "No carbs!" It's as if the world has gone no-carb crazy and everyone is running from sliced breads and pastas.
Well the truth is, your body needs carbohydrates. If you go without them completely your body will start to crave them. So it's not a good idea to exclude all carbs because the right kinds are actually good for you.
It's the processed carbohydrates that are bad for you - the white breads, bagels, pastas, and white rice to name a few.

Monday 9 July 2012

Drashti Dhami to tie the knot?

Drashti Dhami is in love?
Whoa TV buffs…we have got some chatpata bit of information. Our sources have informed that there is a certain someone in Drashti Dhami’s life. Who is the lucky man? Well…read on…
Well, according to our source the lead girl of Colors’ show Madhubala-Ek Ishq Ek Junoon (produced by Nautanki Telefilms) is seeing NRI businessman, Neeraj Khemka, since the past two years. Neeraj is now settled in Mumbai.
There is even a buzz that they might go ahead to tie the knot next year (2013). However, when we spoke to Dhrashti she denied being involved with Neeraj and said there, “is no one in her life.”
She also laughed off the marriage buzz.
Now, to dig deep, we also got in touch with Neeraj. “I know Dhrasthi well but we have not been meeting since she is quite busy with her shooting. We are good friends but there is nothing of marriage or anything of that sort in the pipeline.”
Furthermore, our sources also revealed that Neeraj was “unhappy” with Drashti and Gurmeet Choudhary’s chemistry in Geet (Star One) and apparently, Drashti even refused to enact a kissing scene because of Neeraj’s reservations. When we broached the same topic with Neeraj he got edgy and said, “I will not say anything because you guys will print what u want. I don’t want to talk further as I am working.”
Fair enough…When we called up again to check Drashti’s version, she got upset and said, “Where and whom are you calling up? Stop harassing people around me. I will not let you enter my set next time.”
Hmm…someone is miffed. But as they say, there’s never smoke without fire. After all ishq ka junoon chupaye nahin chupta. Have a great time ahead, Drashti!!!
Disclaimer: Any content appearing under ‘Gossip’ section is purely gossip and does not comply with the same.